Thanks to everyone in our community for coming together as one. We have made it to the end of 2023!!
Northbrooke HOA transitioned from Ideal Homes on January 1st 2023. At that time, the Board consisted
of 9 members who were elected on December 28, 2022. Our primary goal for the year was to not
increase HOA fees while improving our community by ensuring it stays nice, clean, and safe. The Board
also focused on engaging with our community and getting to know each other a little better.

During the transition, the board worked endlessly with the many issues concerning our community. We
split the workload into sections where each member of the board had duties to fulfill to share the
workload. We experienced ups and downs with getting our HOA up and running efficiently, with no real
time for transition. Moving into December 2023, the board voted on the size of the board and agreed to
downsize to a 5-member board, and accepted voluntary resignations from the board, making it possible
for the board to be able to vote and make decisions regarding our community, by having a quorum of 3
members. At many meetings this year, quorums of 5 members were not met and important tasks were
pushed back due to it. The board now consists of the following: Chris Satterfield-President, Joe Perez-
Vice President, Marsha Bennett-Secretary, Riley Bair-Treasurer, and Angela Carter-member at large.

Some of our biggest accomplishments so far this year have been slicing our landscaping contract nearly
in half and working with the builders to fix the erosion problem by the pond and to repair the sidewalks
in the Common Areas that were badly damaged. We have had volunteers from our community plant
flowers at the front entrances making them look more welcoming. Using our website, Facebook and
meetings, we have communicated with neighbors about issues brought to our attention, those resolved
and those we are continuing to work on. When appropriate, we have directed neighbors to the correct
contacts for assistance. We will also be ending the year with a positive balance in our bank account,
allowing us to work on a few projects immediately going into 2024!

Projects we are still working on consist of lighting at the front entrances (with the possibility of future
electrical outlets), enhancing the Rockwell neighborhood entrances, and improving landscaping in the
Common Areas along Rockwell between the entrances. Additionally, within the last two weeks of
December, we have finally received clarification from the City on regulations with the “wetlands” that
run between the areas of the park and the soccer field. This should be a much better area going into
spring of 2024 when we have conversations with our landscapers! This also means we will be moving
forward on the backed-up debris causing the build up near the bridge by the park. Taken together, these
will allow us to better manage our Common Areas. We are committed to revising the Covenants,
Conditions and Resolutions (CCR’s) and Bylaws in 2024, to review insurance and management expenses
and to continue to implement additional community engagements.

Treasurer Riley advised, “the budget given to us for 2023 had limitations”; however, we were still able to
end the year under budget primarily due to a reduction in our lawn maintenance cost. We have
proposed a 2024 Budget which includes more realistic income and expenses for our neighborhood. The
new budget also includes more focus on general repairs, fencing repairs, tree replacement, and other
general landscaping repairs and enhancements, as well as budgeting for future large projects.

We had a few events this year in the Northbrooke neighborhood. We had our first annual Neighbors
Night Out on Tuesday September 12th, 2023. A Big Thanks to the vendor and board members that came
to work this event! We enjoyed meeting everyone that came out to this special day! We plan on this
event growing as the years continue! We have also experienced a lot of community participation with
the Halloween Stations on October 31st! Thanks to Calvin for kicking off the idea and Anna for really
pushing it to the finish line and getting it to come together! For a first-time event, just like each of our
“firsts” we are going to make them better and get more participation as the years go! Also, thanks to
our neighbor Vera, for planting beautiful flowers and helping to keep our neighborhood looking nice!

As we continue to move forward, the HOA will always need help from neighbors. If you would like to
help in any way, please reach out. We are looking to identify 2-3 individuals who are willing to serve as
Section Representatives for each of the neighborhood’s 6 Sections. These individuals will be asked to
help the Board reach out to their neighbors to identify possible improvements and help solve problems.
Annually, we will hold elections for 2 or 3 of the 5 volunteer HOA board positions, depending on the
year. Terms are 2 years. Watch for a call for those interested in serving something after July 1.

The website is an excellent tool to find information or to reach out to Board members. It continues to
be under development, but currently neighbors can pay dues or review financial reports under the
FINANCIAL tab. Under the FORMS tab, you can submit a Design Review for changes you would like to
make on the outside of your home or yard, or to anonymously report a violation. The rules we live by
are listed under the COVENANTS tab. These are the Covenants, Conditions and Regulations commonly
referred to in the CCR’s and the Bylaws. Our Board and Member meeting minutes are listed on the
website so you can keep track of happenings in our neighborhood. You can also email the Board at
[email protected] with questions, ideas, or comments.

Happy New Year!!!
Chris Satterfield
President, Northbrooke HOA